Console Neotek Series IIIc (34x24x2) Analog Recorders AMPEX ATR-800 1/4″ 2-track OTARI MX-80 2″ 24-track (currently at nearby studio) Digital I/O MacPro 8-core, MacBookPro Pro Tools HD (24 in / 32 out) Lynx Aurora 16-VT Digidesign 192 Digidesign SYNC I/O SSL12 DAW Pro Tools HD 10, Pro Tools 2024 Logic Pro X DSP Quattro Melodyne UAD-2 OCTO Microphones AEA R84 ribbon AKG d112 Alien8 Aston Spirit Audio-Technica ATM 450 (2) Audio-Technica Pro37 Audio-Technica 4033 Audix D2 (2) Audix D4 Beyerdynamic m201 Beyerdynamic m500 ribbon (Stephen Sank mod) Beyerdynamic Opus 65 Cascade x-15 stereo ribbon Coles 4038 ribbon EV 635a EV RE20 Groove Tubes Model 1 tube (2) Groove Tubes Model 2 tube Groove Tubes GT44 tube (2) Neumann U87 Oktava MK012 (3) Oktava ML-52 ribbon Peluso 2247 LE tube Royer r121 ribbon Sennheiser 421 Sennheiser 441 Sennheiser e609 Sennheiser e902 Shiny Box 46mx ribbon (2) Shure Beta 52 Shure Beta 98a Shure sm7B Shure sm57 (3) Shure sm58 (2) Shure 545 Shure 550L Subkick (custom) Microphone Preamps AEA RPQ 500 (2) API 512c (4) CAPI VP26 (2) Calrec PQ 1161 (2) Chandler TG2 (2) Neve 1272 (2) Retro Instruments Powerstrip (2) Universal Audio 2-610 Neotek Elite (34 in console) Vintech x73 Transformer Bank (on patchbay) UTC A21 (2) Triad A67 (2) Edcor XSM-600 (2) Monitoring Adam A7x ProAc Studio 100 (Bryston 3BST amp) Auratones Headphone System Furman HR-6 headphone system (6 remote units) DI, Reamp, Boosters Cloudlifter, REAMP, Radial JDI Mono, Radial JDI Stereo (2), Radial Stereo, Radial Stagebug, Countryman, Groove Tubes Tube DI prototype, Cathedral Pipes Druham (2) Dynamics/EQ API 560 dbx 560a (2) dbx 263x De-esser dbx 363x 2ch Gate Empirical Labs Distressor (4) FMR RNC (2) Highland Dynamics BG2 Orban 418a Stereo Limiter Retro Instruments Doublewide (2) Retro Instruments Powerstrip (2) Universal Audio 1176LN Urei LA-4 (2) Valley People Dynamite (2) Valley People Gain Brain II Valley People Comander (2) Valley People Kepex II (3) Valley People Leveller (2) Alesis Microlimiter Rack Effects Alesis Midiverb III Ensoniq dp/4+ Furman RV-1 Lexicon Jam Man Lexicon LXP-15 Intersound PRV-1 LT Sound Reverb Control Center Multivox Multiecho (2) Yamaha Rev 500 Yamaha SPX90 Keyboards Novation Bass Station II Sequential Circuits SixTrak Moog The Rogue Elka Rhapsody 490 String Machine Hammond L-100 Organ with MTI Rotophaser (Leslie) Drums 1960s Ludwig kit (20″ kick, 12,13,16) 1970s Slingerland kit (22″ kick, 12,13,16) Ludwig Black Beauty Snare (14×6.5″) Pearl Maple Free-floating snare (14×6.5″) Simmons electronic kit (SDS-8) Percussion box (box of percussion) Digitakt Elektron Amps Ampeg SVT-410HLF cab Ampeg SVT 400T 1970s Fender Champ Fender Deluxe Reverb (’64) Kustom 250 head (w/ built-in effects) Music Man Seventy-Five head Orange Bass Terror 1000 Music Man ported 1×15 cab Mesa Boogie 1×15 Diesel cab (2) Fender 1×12 cab Pedals Earthquaker Devices Plumes Earthquaker Devices Blumes Deadbeat Echolation Station Deadbeat Modulation Station Morley Fuzz/Wah/Volume 1970s Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man/Chorus Ibanez AD99 Analog Delay DOD 680 Analog Delay |